2025 CHAPTER Meetings

​January 30 *  February 27  *  March 27

April 24 *  May 29 *  June 26

July 31 *  August 28  *  September 25

October 30 *  November 20  *  No December meeting

(Cost of Meal is $10/person donation to the VFW)

VFW Post 577 ~ 1109 East 6th Street, Tulsa

Learn how ABATE of Tulsa promotes and defends motorcyclists' freedom, safety, and awareness and how you can help!

ABATE of Tulsa meets the last Thursday of every month (except November if Thanksgiving is held on that day, in which case we will meet the Thursday before Thanksgiving). There is no meeting in December.  We meet at VFW Post 577, 1109 East 6th Street, Tulsa . 

​Join us for a social hour from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. (includes dinner prepared by the VFW Chef for $10 per person).  The chapter meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m.

Next Chapter Meeting: Thursday, March 27, 2025

​6:00 pm Dinner ($10/person), 7:00 pm Meeting

VFW Post 577, 1109 East 6th St., Tulsa


Thank you for your support and

participation of

The 45th Annual

ABATE of Tulsa Toy Run

It was another great success with thousands of toys being collected for children in NE Oklahoma​​

ABATE of Tulsa, Inc. is incorporated under the laws of Oklahoma as a Motorcycle Rights Organization (MRO) and is dedicated to preserving individual freedom and promoting safety.  As a chapter of ABATE of Oklahoma, we fully support rider training, safety and educational programs.  The mission of ABATE of Oklahoma is to promote and defend motorcyclists’ freedom, safety and awareness through education and legislation. You can also find out more by visiting our FACEBOOK and Instagram.

Making a Difference!

About Us